Tuesday, June 1, 2010

well! prom is friday... there is going to be tons of bonding with mommy while she helps me get ready.
i'm only getting my hair done... but it's for free because the girl is the daughter of my dad's best friend. i am THINKING of these hair styles... but who knows.
and make up... i wanted a little fancy, but not too much. i don't want red eye shadow because it'll look like i got punched in the eye or something
like that. SO i figured just black and white was the way to go there. but i am so worried. i'm sure i'll look fine. but it's a scarey thing. especially when i hate dancing... i don't know why i'm going anymore
i guess for the "experience" and "memories"
.... cool.

toooooooo much.
i still have to:
set my hair appointment
decide for sure on hair and make up
do my nails
get all my stuff together for this weekend
convert coin change into bills
finish setting up my table
buy shaving cream, lotion, and a few other things

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